“Jack and Jan Paddle Out to Visit Henry”

Jack and Jan Librado have paddled out into the channel where they encounter Henry (FL12) who swims up to the boat. Jack and Jan are characters from "The Charmed Life" and part of the El Fornio Story Cycle. Jan LIbrado is is the youngest daughter of Mayor Abraham Librado. In The Charmed Life: Who Stole Junipero Serra's Heart in a Jar? the couple pursue the title's missing relic, turning the city of El Fornio, California upside-down in an effort to locate the thief. More about Jack can be found at the following links (ONE and TWO) where excerpts from The Charmed Life: The Story of A Boy Who Changes are posted.

These color illustrations (pencil and watercolor) are based on the black ink illustrations of Geoffrey Whittam for Monica Edwards' Dolphin Summer, published in 1963. Visit this link to learn more about Monica Edwards and Geoffrey Whittam.