“Targuman Calls Out to Mike and Darby”

Elihu Targuman, in red shirt and blue trousers, gestures to Mike and the boys to check out the dolphin in the surf. In the distance the Island of Sirenas can be seen as a crowd gathers to keep an eye on the creature.
  Targuman fell into what one local observer called “his charismatic 1970s prophet look” around this time—hence, the beard. Fortunately, he did not pursue the persona to its end and went on to conduct himself accordingly. The fellow in the orange shorts and the El Fornio High School Moors T-shirt is Darby Hipper who went on to become a Licensed Dolphin Guide™ or LDG. In the yellow shirt is Mike Goodman, Darby's close friend and like Darby and Elihu Targuman, a character in the The Reeducation Of A Turd Peddler.

These color illustrations (pencil and watercolor) are based on the black ink illustrations of Geoffrey Whittam for Monica Edwards' Dolphin Summer, published in 1963. Visit this link to learn more about Monica Edwards and Geoffrey Whittam.