Book Design Samples
for John Graham
The following links show text and cover designs for a variety of publishers and projects.

“The Reeducation Of A Turd Peddler”

“Looking for Elves At Wood Creek: Hunting And Other Stories”

“Sheltered In Place: Poems & Art. A Collaboration:
Artists Respond To Poems”

“RACKS: The Natural History of Antlers and the
Animals That Wear Them”

“The Final Fate of the Alligators: Stories from the City”

“American Library History: A Comprehensive Guide
to the Literature”

“A Library, Media, And Archival Preservation Handbook”

“Biographies of American Women : An Annotated Bibliography”

“Dictionary of Military, Defense Contractor & Troop Slang”

“Arms Control And Disarmament, Defense and Military,
International Security, and Peace: An Annotated
Guide to Sources, 1980-1987”

“Of A Certain Age: A Guide to Contemporary Fiction
Featuring Older Adults”