Design And Ad Samples
for John Graham
The following links show actual ads and design pieces for a variety of employers and projects.
"The Trails Of El Fornio" movie poster
for the El Fornio Story Cycle
34 Cent Sirenas Island Fox Stamp
for the El Fornio Story Cycle
Logo Design for STORYTELLER,The Oral History Service
Promotional Ad for STORYTELLER, promoting
The Veterans History Project for The Library Of Congress
Promotional Ad Two for STORYTELLER, promoting
The Veterans History Project for The Library Of Congress
Promotional Ads for
"Living Green, The Destination For Global
Ports Of Call Treasure"
Living Green, Fossil Promo
Promo Ad for "A Meander," the walking tour
Promo Ad for John Graham's drawing show,
Red's Java House
Gray Moth Candy Product, #1
Gray Moth Candy Product, #2
Label for Tomatillo Farm for the El Fornio Story Cycle
Vintage Ad of television show, "Skipper!"
featuring the actor Ward Craven
Design and Copywriting promo for
Forecross Corporation's Year 2000 Product
Large Poster Project for UCSF
promoting students' volunteer efforts.
Click Here to see Book and Text Design Samples
The El Fornio Historical Society
The Oral History Service
A Meander
San Francisco Architecture
And Natural History Tour